Archive for March, 2013
Boot Camp Fitness Class vs. The Real Thing
How does your exercise class stack up to, say, the Navy Seals?
Boot camp classes aren’t for sissies: Surviving the mix of calisthenics, kick-boxing, and various athletic drills takes a fairly high degree of fitness and an inexplicable love of drill sergeant-style instruction… Click here to read more.
7 Ways to Rekindle Exercise Motivation
Don’t want to work out? Use these tips to get moving again.
If the weather (too cold/hot/wet/dry), chatting with a friend, or picking lint off the rug are becoming regular excuses for skipping a workout, you’ve got yourself a motivation problem… Click here to read more.
Candymaker Pledges to Fight Obesity

Mars, Inc. North American president is calling for candy manufacturers to lead the fight against obesity.
With soda taxes and proposals to limit super size sweetened drinks already sweeping the nation, candy could be the next target in the war against obesity.There’s an inkling that candy manufacturers suspect this and are taking steps to head off future regulation.
Speaking at last week’s National Confectioners Association meeting in Miami, Debra Sandler… Click here to read more.
Anorexics Weigh In on ‘Thinspo’ Internet Sites
Thinspo Internet sites that glorify extreme thinness are increasing.
Thinspo –short for “thinspiration” – is a common term used to tag images and ideas posted on social media sites meant to encourage women to stay thin or become even thinner.
Women of all shapes and sizes visit thinspo blogs, post thinspired messages and tweet out related images daily. They use thinspro as a motivational tool, much the same as tacking inspirational notes and photos onto a refrigerator or mirror….. Click here to read more.