Archive for August, 2012

New Study Highlights Dangers Of Over-medicating Seniors

Approximately one in five prescriptions written for elderly patients were inappropriate. Common drugs classed to treat allergies, depression and pain were among the most overprescribed, and also the ones most likely to produce adverse reactions.



My father was a great doctor, a fine magician and a mean saxophone player. But around the time he turned 77 years old, he started slurring his words and spending long periods of time sitting and staring into space…

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Hot Car Hazard: Parent Forgetfulness Can Be Deadly

In the first week of August alone, eight children across the United States died from heatstroke in hot vehicles.

One hot summer day, Brandi Koskie strapped her 2-week old daughter Paisley into her rear-facing car seat and drove off to run some errands. As her daughter slept peacefully… Read the rest of this article here »

NYC Proposed Soda Ban Gets People Fizzing

Are large sugary drinks a health risk or a civil rights concern? 


That’s the debate set off by New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s proposal to restrict the sale of sodas and other sugar sweetened beverages to 16 ounces or less. Advocates on both sides of the issue faced off at a public hearing Tuesday in Queens… Read the rest of this article here »


Pounds Lost — But Not Forgotten

Even after dramatically slimming down, some people find it hard to shed the psychological weight of having been heavy.


TV producer Jennifer Rumple was chatting with a friend recently. When the conversation went on longer than expected, she decided to grab a seat. As she zeroed-in on a chair with side arms, she balked….

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