About Liz Neporent

Liz Neporent has spent her entire career helping people realize their fitness dreams and improving their health. She passionately believes in the power of healthy living as a means to a better life. It’s important to her that health information is based on real science and delivered in a truthful manner.
Somewhere along the line, Liz realized she could reach a very large audience by stepping out of the gym and sitting at her keyboard to write about health and fitness topics. For starters, she tricked an editor from Self into assigning her an article and then quickly began tricking other editors into giving her work. She was so good at tricking editors (or she was a good enough writer) to garner work in numerous national publications including The New York Times, The Daily News, Shape Magazine, Good Housekeeping, Fitness Magazine, Men’s Health – it’s a pretty long list so we’ll stop there. (Click here to read Liz’s latest articles.)
Not satisfied with magazine and newspaper work, Liz soon branched into books. With her bud from Shape, Suzanne Scholsberg, she wrote two best sellers: Fitness for Dummies and Weight Training for Dummies. Books really kicked in the compulsive nature she developed as a lifelong distance runner: She couldn’t stop writing them and she couldn’t confine herself to the topic of fitness. To date she’s written nearly 20 titles including last year’s smash hit, The Winner’s Brain with Mark Fenske, Ph.D. and Jeff Brown, Psy.D., two brainiacs with Harvard pedigrees. (Click here for a complete list of books and to order one if you’re so inclined.)
Print naturally led to media appearances. Liz has been on all the morning shows as well as CNN, New York One, The Food Network and more. She even had her own radio show for a while. And she was the regular fitness expert for the Satellite Sisters and Sirius Satellite Radio’s The Larry Flick Show. The Internet came calling too. She’s written for iVillage, AOL, Shape.com, ABCNews.com and scads of other destination websites. Good times.
Coming up this year, the publication of Change Your Gambling, Change Your Life with Howard Shaffer, Ph.D. another top Harvard doc and The Migraine Solution with Elizabeth Loder, M.D. and Paul Rizzoli, M.D. – two MORE of Harvard Medical School’s finest. She’s got at least three other books in the works which you’ll be hearing about shortly…
Between hitting the gym and the books, she also found time to start her own hugely successful corporate fitness consulting company with her husband Jay. Frontline Fitness, which boasted such tony clientele as Goldman Sachs and Scholastic Inc., was eventually sold to a larger entity but not before earning her a Club Industry Entrepreneur of the Year award. After that she, Jay and two other partners started Wellness 360. This was recently sold to Medifit, Inc. an excellent corporate, community and residential wellness and fitness provider.
Along the way, Liz earned a master’s degree in exercise physiology and several top fitness certifications. That was enough to attract the attention of The American Council on Exercise — where she is now a member of the emeritus board as well as a national spokesperson – and the Hudson Valley Women’s Initiative, where she is a board member and fitness consultant for their events and programs. She has served as the national spokesperson for several national campaigns including Febreze (which is why you never smell her coming), The National Council of Responsible Nutrition (she takes a Flintstone’s vitamin every day) and Habitat for Humanity (serving your community is a must).
When not pounding the pavement or pumping iron — or thinking deep thoughts about health and fitness for her latest writing project — Liz can be found hanging out with her hubby and daughter in New York City or Upstate New York.